Monday, June 22, 2009

Avoiding Real Life As Usual

My exams finished last Monday so I have been free for approximately a week! A lot of people have had parties and such throughout this week which I have been attending and that's kept me pretty busy. Now I could talk about the parties and the people there and what I did but on this blog I seem to have a tradition of not talking about my actual life on this blog despite personal blogs tending to be for that purpose.

So instead I am going to talk about monkeys.

No actually I'm not, mainly because I don't know anything about monkeys. So there goes that plan...

As for the holidays, I have some random ideas on things that I would like to do but I won't share them here because you'd just laugh at me. However in the unlikely event they do happen you WILL hear about. I promise. And then it will be epic. EPIC.

Like dressing gown parties. That is such a brilliant idea.

My mum just told me I should do something worthwhile... blogging is so worthwhile... and I'm listening to Bach. =D

Monday, June 15, 2009


It's Lindsay's birthday today (that is the 14th of June and by today I mean if you live in Canada, it's already the 15th here). I texted her at about 10am(?) her time (10pm my time) and being my little nerdy/fangirly/something or other self I was really excited because she just recently got a mobile/cell phone so we can communitcate through text now as well as Facebook, Twitter, Plurk, email, msn, the MOFFIA forums... except the difference is that texting is completely internet unrelated so it's even more fun! Hahaha, I love having "internet" friends.

I think by wishing Lindsay a happy birthday on this blog, I have now completed my task of wishing her happy birthday on pretty much all mediums invented and made available to the common man (except in person IT WILL HAPPEN ONE DAY!).

Oh wait... no... what about morse code? and smoke signals? Hmm this might take longer than I thought...