Friday, October 29, 2010

You Just Got Cut...

I changed the layout of my blog! Look it's a Brian Molko! Mmmm.

It's a bit darker than before but I can't help the standard colour for curtains on stage is black. I took the picture of Mr Molko at Soundwave 2010. Also I had no idea what colour the font should be, so at the moment I'm just going with what looks the least bad. What are your opinions? I do value them, so feel free to let me know in whatever way feels appropriate, comment on this blog or on Facebook or send me smoke signals or send an owl if you happen to be a wizard or witch.

Exams are in a week. A lot of study ahead. Wicked.
is a musical. that I have seen.


Holidays are soon. I have not decided if I am looking forward to them or not. Enthusiasm evades me.

I need a new laptop, any suggestions?

Friday, October 8, 2010

I don't want to alarm you but I'm REALLY good at word sleuths.

...and tetris. In case you didn't know.

In fact I'm probably a word sleuth ninja. Although I bet if there's a word search/sleuth championship those professionals would own me in the w
ord sleuthing game. I
Googled it... there aren't any world word search champions as far as I could find... in my exhaustive search of the first two links on the first page of links.

Gap in the world championship market? Anyone keen to hold a word sleuth championships? No? Fine then, stick to your conventional sports like football, hockey and rock, paper, scissors.

Like this cartoon man we are also study gyroscopes. Unfortunately our gyroscope doesn't fly or talk. Bit disappointing really.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

I'll get serious on your hat

It seems this blog posting deal is a monthly thing.

I just waited for a youtube video to load thinking it was a filmed live version of the song, to realise it wasn't, it was just the audio of it from the record WHICH I ALREADY HAVE. Well it IS 1:07am in the morning and I just finished writing some code for some assignment I have for that course I do at that uni I attend.
I also then just worked out an integral in the semi-darkness. I turned off the light a bit a go. I'm so hardcore. Next thing you know I'll be reading my text books under the covers like Harry Potter. That link goes to the latest Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: PART 1 trailer that I think came out last week. I'm fairly sure it comes out in Australia on the 19th of November. Which also happens to be the day of my last exam, no midnight release for me! =( But I guess I can see it afterwards as a celebration of finishing MY SECOND YEAR AT UNIVERSITY! Since we are talking about movies I saw this movie last week:

For anyone who can't read Japanese, it's Eva 2.0 You Shall (Not) Advance and it's a movie remake/alternate telling or something of the Neon Genesis Evangelion series, that I like and have watched many many times. The story line and themes are quite confusing at times, and I thought (for no apparent reason) this movie which is a sequel to Eva 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone would make more sense. I was wrong. The movie was just as confusing as the tv series except it was more condensed and the characters were slightly more well adjusted (in my opinion). Which was nice, except it kind of meant my favourite character didn't really have her spiral into her self-loathing, zero self esteem insanity which disappointed me because I liked that character arc. And it wasn't the English dub so it meant Kaji didn't have a sexy voice. Well I guess it was pretty sexy despite being Japanese but it's hard to call it sexy when you haven't a clue what he's saying unless you read the subtitles. Also it ended on a cliff hanger! =O

Hey it's 48 hours later!
Quote of the Month (probably year):

"Most of human history and arts can be expressed in Star Trek plots" - Stephen Fry.

This quote preceded a speech in which he explained how the show Star Trek was like Ancient Greece and how the plots and culture (respectively) outlined the struggle between human's ability for logic and reason and also their ability to be animalistic and act on pure desire and instinct. Animalistic is apparently not a word according to Google Chrome. Well I'm sorry, but I refuse to be more articulate and I shall make up words if I wish it. I was totally going to make a red shirt joke here but I forgot what is was. I shall assure you it was most likely hilariously funny and not at all contrived.
Celebratory sentence for Tool headlining Big Day Out 2011! =D