Monday, May 23, 2011

She's A Rage Quitter

Blob blog blog. I'm grumpy because I can't find my Deathly Hallows earrings. =(
I am also grumpy because I can't play anything without getting disconnected.
I have tea though. I should probably start studying for exams. But my room is too messy. TOO MESSY!
Lol the first word of this blog is blob. That was supposed to be blog. Yeah.
LoL is also a game I play. The aim is to kill the other team's Nexus. What even is a Nexus? Apart from a thing you destroy in LoL and a dungeon in WoW. Google to the rescue!
It is also:
-A bi-monthly magazine (BI-MONTHLY!)
-something to do with wrestling
-a phone
-a popular name for bands and albums of bands
-several different software programs

Apparently the word Nexus is Latin in origin meaning:
–noun, plural nex·us·es, nex·us.
a means of connection; tie; link.
a connected series or group.
the core or center, as of a matter or situation.

I guess 1/3. works for LoL, sort of. My goodness it's a bit cold. Doctor Who Series 6 is playing on tv at the moment, it is awesome. The last episode was really good (by the last episode I mean the Doctor's Wife).
"No, bunk beds are cool! A bed! With a ladder! You can't beat that,"
The Doctor has a point.

I'm so bored, I don't really want to write about designing a pressure vessel.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I love lamp

So good to see you once again, I thought that you were hiding. And you thought that I had run away, chasing the tail of dogma.

If you happen to read the same circle of blogs I do, you would be aware that many of them are embarking on Blog Every Day in April. I am not embarking on this particular quest as I simply don't think I have the motivation or the creativity to write something everyday for 30 days. If you don't happen to read the same blogs as I do than you are now aware of something I am not doing, and if this is the first blog you have ever read I first would like to apologize and secondly, like to reassure you that it's not all that bad, we have biscuits! of hopefully the tasty variety. And hopefully if they are those assorted biscuits there will be some chocolate ones left although there's usually only about five. I mean, who's idea was that, to put only five of the best biscuits in the packet. I bet they did that just so they could laugh at the poor people who have to eat the boring unflavoured ones. And watch them dip them into their tea just to make them taste OK, and then laugh at them when most of the biscuit falls into the tea (and you're just like now what, do I get a spoon?).

I'm supposed to be studying maths, for a test I have on Thursday. Instead I am reading the April Fools 4.1.11 WoW patch notes.

Rouges may now cast Stealth while Stealthed, entering the state of Double Stealth, which is not only stealthier than Stealth, but also causes the word stealth to cease to make sense to your brain. Stealth.

So stealthy.

We have to design a lamp shade for one of my classes. Then we have to draw it in Solidworks. I am not keen. This is an example of what our lamp shades wont look like. It's full of awesome, it's actually a skirt/petticoat from American Apparel. Although if I had this I'd probably wear it not use it as a lamp shade. So pretty (but overpriced in the Australian store - grumpy face). Our lamp shades will look very industrial and bulky as we have to make them out of sheet metal. The picture is from here.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Sorry, I was playing WoW

I haven't written a blog post in a month. Is that a long time? Is that not long enough? I just don't know anymore.

On Sunday it was the Big Day Out and the headlining act this year happened to be one of my favourite bands, Tool. I took pictures this year with my battered pink camera. It was awesome, I was on the barrier right at the front, couldn't get much more at the front than what I was. But I got a bit crushed by the thousands of people behind me. Just a bit.

So yeah, here's a few pictures of BDO Perth. The first one is a picture of Jim Jones Revue who played reasonably early on the Green Stage. They're a wicked band that play good old rock 'n' roll and were really awesome to see live. The second one is Maynard from Tool casually drinking some wine in between singing.

If you have never heard [of] Tool or Jim Jones Revue, here's a few exciting videos

Monday, January 10, 2011

Don't run into walls, or you will die

Hello blog reader(s)! Welcome to two thousand and eleven!! *dramatic music*

How is this year going for everyone? Good? Good. Not good? Oh. Well I hope it gets better, it has only been ten days so far.
Ten days! 10,000 days! Who are you to wave your finger? You must have been out your head! (See what I did there? No? Oh ok.)

I went camping recently. It was fun despite it raining a fair amount especially since it's meant to be summer. Here's a picture of me having fun while camping:
I don't have to much else to say but if I don't post this post today then my 10,000 days joke/reference wont work. So I shall soldier on, to display my awesome creativeness to the uncaring, judgmental world.

I saw the movie The King's Speech recently, it was a pretty awesome movie, Geoffrey Rush played an Australian speech therapist from Perth, Australia. It is the true story of how an Australian speech therapist helped the reluctant new King of England to overcome his stutter so he could address the country during World War II. You should see it if you get the chance. I have also seen Wild Target, which was a different kind of movie altogether. But it has Bill Nighy in it. Everyone loves Bill Nighy. It also has Emily Blunt and Rupert Grint in it.

Yeah. Well... that went well.