I haven't written a blog post in a month. Is that a long time? Is that not long enough? I just don't know anymore.
On Sunday it was the Big Day Out and the headlining act this year happened to be one of my favourite bands, Tool. I took pictures this year with my battered pink camera. It was awesome, I was on the barrier right at the front, couldn't get much more at the front than what I was. But I got a bit crushed by the thousands of people behind me. Just a bit.
So yeah, here's a few pictures of BDO Perth. The first one is a picture of Jim Jones Revue who played reasonably early on the Green Stage. They're a wicked band that play good old rock 'n' roll and were really awesome to see live. The second one is Maynard from Tool casually drinking some wine in between singing.
If you have never heard [of] Tool or Jim Jones Revue, here's a few exciting videos