Thursday, April 23, 2009

Something Or Other...

Wow I haven't blogged in an eternity. Hello everyone! I'd just like to let you know though, that despite not blogging I have been reading everyone else's blogs. By everyone else I mean Jacinthe, Lindsay, Catherine and Marzieh. <3

Well this week has been reasonably eventful. I have this climate change group project report thing that is due on Tuesday which is behaving much like a nightmare an a half. Hopefully tomorrow we will sort it out and I can just forget about it and concentrate on the classes I actually like vaguely. Or at least want to do well in.

I think I might be going to the gym with my friend tomorrow but she hasn't texted me back yet to confirm if we are going. I think we are since she asked me earlier in the week but I just want to make sure and we haven't made any times or anything. I don't know if I still want to go - I feel like sleeping right at the moment. Wait she just texted me. It's on... =)

I should go to bed or I'll be really tired tomorrow morning... *sigh*
Sleep ins are overrated, sleepins are overrated sleepins are overated.... it might come true... one day.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The gym! <3 I love the gym. I miss the gym. :( I'm really jealous you have gym buddies. I'm going to have to make myself a few of those in uni, as I keep saying! I hope you have fun at the gym! :)