Friday, December 10, 2010

I want to marry Cedric

Cedric Bixler-Zavala. Because then I'd have a wicked last name. It has an X,V and a Z in it. How awesome is that? Bet your name doesn't have an X,V and a Z in it. Yeahhhhh.

A picture of Matthew Bellamy fell off my wall just then. Well guess what picture of Matthew Bellamy? I'm going to see the real Matthew Bellamy live. VERY SOON. In almost a weeks time.

I should talk about something else other than people from bands I like to show I have a diverse range of interests and hobbies and partake in activities of varying nature. Guess what?! I have a job! Well in January I do, until February. Which I suppose isn't a very long time but I still get money for it and money is good in this day and age.

I'd also take a moment to say hello to all those people in Russia who apparently read my blog. According to the stats I have on this blog the 3rd highest amount of views from one country is from Russia. I would put hello in Russian here but I googled it and the word scares me a little.
See what I mean?

Unit results come out very soon and this scares me a little. In a different way to how the Russian language scare me, yet it is a fear I possess all the same. I should probably stop writing. Here's a picture of Cedric. Although I think Omar is cuter. Yet he his last name is Rodriguez-Lopez.
His two Zs don't got nothin' on Cedric's X, V and Z.
Yeah, this is the kind of thing I think about in my spare time. I'm cool.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Cheesy clip shows

I was bored during exams so I copied and pasted what I thought was the least boring sentence(s) from every single blog post since I started earliest to latest. I was really bored. I had a week and a half break between my third and fourth which was my last exam. A WEEK AND A HALF!!!

Bye... wonderful, wired world of the internet

I'm not really sure who I'm saying hello to; after all no one except me and my sister knows this blog exists yet, however I'm sure to link to it somewhere on the world wide web of which I'm a proficient user.

Go buy Harry, A History, right... NOW. Only 12.95 at Kmart. And practically not in stores anywhere else in WA.

Looking back; if I had to liken this situation to a real life one; I would say that it was kind of like being in the same shopping complex as Muse without really knowing if they were there or not; and I was in the frozen food section, while they were on a different floor looking at novelty beach towels.

If you liked/disliked/thought it was stupid/like bananas/read it please comment.

Yesterday I made a little stop motion film using play-doh.

And in order to watch themselves on TV it would mean they'd cease to be fictional characters and become real and therefore can no longer be on TV as fictional characters.

Collectively they are so esteemed that Australia bookshops fail to stock over ten of their books at one time.

So on Prosh day it's not unusual to see guys wearing nappies or tutus waving newspapers in people faces, or girls and guys painted in head to toe in blue or green or any other such colour shaking tins in the name of a good cause.

This blog has not been particularly interesting and I apologize for this sincerely and hope I haven't caused anyone any distress if they had expected a thoroughly riveting blog and instead, read this boring piece of text.

"Come on my army of midget friends"

But on the other hand it could actually be part of this massive conspiracy theory to make me think they look cute and some how that leads to me accidently ripping a hole in the time-space continuum and destroying the universe forever.

But I got distracted writing about the hat comment.

They must be dating them according to some timezone I am CLEARLY not in....

(hey this is making it sound like I have a lot of friends =D)

"Is that an outlet??!!!"

I shall let you go and do more interesting things with your life now.

4)OK Computer is an awesome album but has nothing to do with climate change and the possible rise of sea-levels.

Sleep ins are overrated, sleepins are overrated sleepins are overated.... it might come true... one day.

The last half is a blatant lie.


Aww poor Pilate, gotta feel sorry for the guy - well at least in the rock opera, I'm not sure what he was like in real life.

MATT: No, seriously guys, the microphone is stuck to my forehead...

Seriously Gerarda, why can you not write something sensible and avoid putting something lame/strange/weird/banana down every five seconds?

I have now completed my task of wishing her happy birthday on pretty much all mediums invented and made available to the common man

So instead I am going to talk about monkeys.

I lied about the monkeys.

A rather pompous git who acts way above his station, where the lab mice are the only things aboard the ship that is lower ranking then he.


I wonder if there ever will be time where the boys name Alex becomes a rare name simply because everyone will have stopped naming their child Alex due to the abundance of Alexs already in existence.

Stu is my friend.

Isn't that some impressive knowledge? I know what you're thinking... why did she eat all the lettuce?

I just thought of an incredible tangent I could go on about linking the end of the world with the end of the year but I've decided to forgo the telling of that story as it probably would need a tree diagram, a link to a wikipedia article and a piece of very long string to explain.

But I'm just imagining these cartoonish fluffy white clouds holding hands (?), with smiley faces that don't have noses while raining on Rob McKenna.
Have fun being dead. I hear it's like being on holiday with a group of Germans

University has commenced, and between devising ingenius ways to get rice across a crevice using only toothpaste, a comb and some old Neil Diamond CDs I am finding time to write a blog.
A picture of the Little Cat for Marzieh before she goes to dial up internet land.... <3

I really like this picture.

But woo! $50 I forgot I had! Win! I'm tired. Does anyone read this? I like you.

"You have the most unsubtle taste in jewelry I have ever seen in a woman!"

Social experiment: Ask someone you've never met before how they are enjoying their standard fast food. See how they react. Write a blog about it, record a video of your experience, or even be creative and write some poetry or paint a picture.

For one of the labs the required equipment includes a "computer diskette" aka a floppy disk. Old school. I hope they don't expect us to actually have a floppy disk...

"Most of human history and arts can be expressed in Star Trek plots" - Stephen Fry.

In fact I'm probably a word sleuth ninja.

Exams are in a week. A lot of study ahead. Wicked.

Friday, October 29, 2010

You Just Got Cut...

I changed the layout of my blog! Look it's a Brian Molko! Mmmm.

It's a bit darker than before but I can't help the standard colour for curtains on stage is black. I took the picture of Mr Molko at Soundwave 2010. Also I had no idea what colour the font should be, so at the moment I'm just going with what looks the least bad. What are your opinions? I do value them, so feel free to let me know in whatever way feels appropriate, comment on this blog or on Facebook or send me smoke signals or send an owl if you happen to be a wizard or witch.

Exams are in a week. A lot of study ahead. Wicked.
is a musical. that I have seen.


Holidays are soon. I have not decided if I am looking forward to them or not. Enthusiasm evades me.

I need a new laptop, any suggestions?

Friday, October 8, 2010

I don't want to alarm you but I'm REALLY good at word sleuths.

...and tetris. In case you didn't know.

In fact I'm probably a word sleuth ninja. Although I bet if there's a word search/sleuth championship those professionals would own me in the w
ord sleuthing game. I
Googled it... there aren't any world word search champions as far as I could find... in my exhaustive search of the first two links on the first page of links.

Gap in the world championship market? Anyone keen to hold a word sleuth championships? No? Fine then, stick to your conventional sports like football, hockey and rock, paper, scissors.

Like this cartoon man we are also study gyroscopes. Unfortunately our gyroscope doesn't fly or talk. Bit disappointing really.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

I'll get serious on your hat

It seems this blog posting deal is a monthly thing.

I just waited for a youtube video to load thinking it was a filmed live version of the song, to realise it wasn't, it was just the audio of it from the record WHICH I ALREADY HAVE. Well it IS 1:07am in the morning and I just finished writing some code for some assignment I have for that course I do at that uni I attend.
I also then just worked out an integral in the semi-darkness. I turned off the light a bit a go. I'm so hardcore. Next thing you know I'll be reading my text books under the covers like Harry Potter. That link goes to the latest Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: PART 1 trailer that I think came out last week. I'm fairly sure it comes out in Australia on the 19th of November. Which also happens to be the day of my last exam, no midnight release for me! =( But I guess I can see it afterwards as a celebration of finishing MY SECOND YEAR AT UNIVERSITY! Since we are talking about movies I saw this movie last week:

For anyone who can't read Japanese, it's Eva 2.0 You Shall (Not) Advance and it's a movie remake/alternate telling or something of the Neon Genesis Evangelion series, that I like and have watched many many times. The story line and themes are quite confusing at times, and I thought (for no apparent reason) this movie which is a sequel to Eva 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone would make more sense. I was wrong. The movie was just as confusing as the tv series except it was more condensed and the characters were slightly more well adjusted (in my opinion). Which was nice, except it kind of meant my favourite character didn't really have her spiral into her self-loathing, zero self esteem insanity which disappointed me because I liked that character arc. And it wasn't the English dub so it meant Kaji didn't have a sexy voice. Well I guess it was pretty sexy despite being Japanese but it's hard to call it sexy when you haven't a clue what he's saying unless you read the subtitles. Also it ended on a cliff hanger! =O

Hey it's 48 hours later!
Quote of the Month (probably year):

"Most of human history and arts can be expressed in Star Trek plots" - Stephen Fry.

This quote preceded a speech in which he explained how the show Star Trek was like Ancient Greece and how the plots and culture (respectively) outlined the struggle between human's ability for logic and reason and also their ability to be animalistic and act on pure desire and instinct. Animalistic is apparently not a word according to Google Chrome. Well I'm sorry, but I refuse to be more articulate and I shall make up words if I wish it. I was totally going to make a red shirt joke here but I forgot what is was. I shall assure you it was most likely hilariously funny and not at all contrived.
Celebratory sentence for Tool headlining Big Day Out 2011! =D

Sunday, August 29, 2010

We have these in museums

Hey everyone it's SUNDAY!

Tomorrow is Monday (just in case you've forgotten how the days go) and I don't want to go to uni because I have two labs tomorrow. Which I guess is my own fault because I chose to have two labs on one day but... It seemed like a good idea at the time. On the plus side I'll get them over and done with; and then only seven more labs to go. (I think it's seven). For one of the labs the required equipment includes a "computer diskette" aka a floppy disk. Old school. I hope they don't expect us to actually have a floppy disk...

Mmm linky linkage. I'm not sure encouraging people to navigate away from my page is a good promoting idea but oh well. It's interactive! of sorts.
That was an effort and a half. Now I want to add more links. Lol at all the Legolas/Aragorn pictures I saw while retrieving this picture. Yay for slash fan fiction! Ergh I used 'lol'.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Looking through a Glass Onion

It's 2:15 am and naturally that means BLOG TIME!

I can't go to sleep so instead I am up observing the casual comings and goings of various social networking sites and the like. For example there are 6 of my friends online on Facebook right now. You can spell SMAKES with the first letters of their names. It's almost SNAKES, but not quite. Would've been more interesting if it was SNAKES. But oh well.

Also, more interestingly, Mick Jagger is a trending topic on twitter right now (along with #worldcup and #wewontlast) for the fact that, as far as I can work out, he went to a bunch of world cup games and the teams he was supporting lost and now Brazil hates him or something. Although it's not as interesting as when Lizzie McGuire was trending a few days a go. I think that was some marketing ploy by someone for something (I could probably be more vague there if you're wondering...).
As it is, if you click on the Mick Jagger trending topic and it comes up with all the related tweets you face two main choices, either to suddenly learn Portuguese, or to decide if you like hot women.
...I know which choice I'd make ;)

Right...I mean left!

Here's a question, if someone just randomly came up to you and inquired how your Hungry Jacks fries were would you think that was weird? I mean, what kind of person inquires someone who they have never met before over the age of 10 how satisfied they are with their HJs fries (on a scale from one to 10 where one is very dissatisfied and 10 is very satisfied)? I mean they're just chain fast food fries that people have everyday, nothing remarkable or new or unusual about them... I can think of three responses people would have on average 1) "Not salty enough/too salty
2) "Pretty shithouse actually"
3) "Um yeah they're ok..."
(Guess which one I went for!)
For those who may not live in Australia or New Zealand Hungry Jacks is like McDonalds, it's equivalent in the US, I believe, is Burger King, just in case you are confused.
Well I guess it's an icebreaker... of sorts.

I hope the last paragraph makes sense and you get the point I'm trying to get across. If not I understand, I'm not sure if it makes sense to me either. It's not a particularly life changing observation but I'm on holidays and don't have much to do except to (not) solve online riddles and make cupcakes.

Social experiment: Ask someone you've never met before how they are enjoying their standard fast food. See how they react. Write a blog about it, record a video of your experience, or even be creative and write some poetry or paint a picture.

LATER THAT DAY: Probably should edit and post this... I hope you enjoyed rambling of me at 2:15 - 3:00 am.


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

This is the sound of your reason to wake.

Have we forgotten now? Can we relate?

So I may have just typed out most of the lyrics to All I Know by Karnivool and then erased them because I'm not sure what to write and those lyrics are by far better than I could come up with.

If anyone ever feels like getting me a present, I would like one of those massive jumbo tea cups you can get from T2. Mmm tea... You know who likes tea? William Moseley. He played Peter in the Chronicles of Narnia movies. I wonder what he's doing now... *quick google search* nothing much. sad face.
I was bored and didn't want to study calculus or civil so I drew this guy in the picture below. He may be based on a picture somewhere further down. Also the weird shadows across the paper are a form of artistic expression that is meant to symbolise teenage angst... lol JK I spilled tea on it accidentally and the paper dried non-flatly.

I cringed when I wrote that last sentence. Some Facebook fan pages are just ridiculous. If Facebook fan pages were all an intelligent life form had to go on when examining human life, they'd probably be very confused. Although they'd probably be confused anyway due to the probable extreme differences in contexts, but my point is... unsubstantiated.

I am struggling to find anything exciting or interesting to write. I bought cat earrings today.. Is that interesting? Not really. I just found and by found I mean noticed the stress ball in the shape of a hard hat which I got at a UWA open day that saids "Engineering @ UWA Use your head" I think I should have noticed it earlier during semester so I could have used it... or burnt it.

"You have the most unsubtle taste in jewelry I have ever seen in a woman!"

You'd better ask Metatron...

I hear he's quite the problem solver...

Thursday, April 29, 2010

This is not a Muse reference

The other day I went back and read all my posts. And I discovered two main things

1) reading my old posts makes my head hurt.
2) Lot of Muse references. I counted 10. And I think there might be more...

Today I remembered that the other day I remembered I have $50 sitting in a PayPal account from like a year ago. I wish Paypal calculated interest.

But woo! $50 I forgot I had! Win! I'm tired. Does anyone read this? I like you.

The past will catch you up as you run faster, I know, the last in line is always called a bastard, I know.

Sunday, April 25, 2010


I really like this picture.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Hey Look it's a cute cat!

A picture of the Little Cat for Marzieh before she goes to dial up internet land.... <3

Thursday, March 4, 2010

I can make penguins out of post-it notes.


I think it's high time we do the chicken dance... I mean, write a blog.

University has commenced, and between devising ingenius ways to get rice across a crevice using only toothpaste, a comb and some old Neil Diamond CDs I am finding time to write a blog.

Hey it's someone playing the guitar that's not Matthew Bellamy! And I took the picture! It just keeps getting better...

I was going to post a picture of my little kitty here, BUT blogspot refuses to upload it for me. Obviously Brian doesn't want to share the lime light of being in picture form on my blog. She is quite cute.

So therefore this blog has come to an abrupt end.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I'm a tool, I'm a tool, I'm a tool

Guess what interwebs, I feel like blogging. You'd better run. Run fast. As Gandalf would say "Fly you fools!"

As the days in 2010 tick over and my little about me description becomes increasingly inaccurate (as does Marzieh's last blog post title) I am becoming a better person, with a definite purpose to my life and this sometimes hazy journey that has been my past is now surging forward with authority and distinction.

Quick explaination on that sentence, I liked the first half of it but then I didn't know how to finish it so instead of deleting I just came out with some random crap about me being well-adjusted. As to if I am or not I leave that you decide, as I believe this blog is a choose your own adventure sort of deal.

You open the hatch (turn to page 38)
You wait till emergency crews rescue you risking death in 30 seconds (turn to page 67).

(page 38) You open the hatch. Air rushes into deep space but your space suit gets caught on the latch of the hatch door and the ship explodes before you make it to safety.

(page 67) You wait till emergency crews rescue you but your space suit gets caught on the latch of the door between the rescue pod and your doomed ship. The ship explodes before you make it to safety.

That'd get me.

Have fun being dead. I hear it's like being on holiday with a group of Germans.

Friday, January 15, 2010

May contain traces of nuts.

"And as he drove on, the rainclouds dragged down the sky after him, for, though he did not know it, Rob McKenna was a Rain God. All he knew was that his working days were miserable and he had a succession of lousy holidays. All the clouds knew was that they loved him and wanted to be near him, to cherish him, and to water him."

from So Long and Thanks for All the Fish by Douglas Adams

For some reason I find that really endearing and cute. I mean, who wouldn't want big fluffy clouds to love them? Awww. Except you'd then get rained on all the time. But I'm just imagining these cartoonish fluffy white clouds holding hands (?), with smiley faces that don't have noses while raining on Rob McKenna.

The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy triology is really a worth read. I've just finished reading the fourth one and am about to start the fifth book of the 'increasingly inaccurately named triology'. I've read the first four once before but never finished the fifth because I got distracted by a cute puppy that happened to be sitting by the side of the road in my house. It was quite a complicated series of events actually. But moving on...

Er... this is where the blog ends.

SPARKLERS! smiley face!