Sunday, August 29, 2010

We have these in museums

Hey everyone it's SUNDAY!

Tomorrow is Monday (just in case you've forgotten how the days go) and I don't want to go to uni because I have two labs tomorrow. Which I guess is my own fault because I chose to have two labs on one day but... It seemed like a good idea at the time. On the plus side I'll get them over and done with; and then only seven more labs to go. (I think it's seven). For one of the labs the required equipment includes a "computer diskette" aka a floppy disk. Old school. I hope they don't expect us to actually have a floppy disk...

Mmm linky linkage. I'm not sure encouraging people to navigate away from my page is a good promoting idea but oh well. It's interactive! of sorts.
That was an effort and a half. Now I want to add more links. Lol at all the Legolas/Aragorn pictures I saw while retrieving this picture. Yay for slash fan fiction! Ergh I used 'lol'.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For a second I thought you were going to make a sentence out of your links - not the words you used in the blog itself, but like how you linked to a definition of "your" and then "face," but all I got is, "Your face is awkward" before they started being more random. (And I realized why I didn't comment on this when I read it the first time... I got distracted by the link to Charlie's YouTube page. XD I love that guy, he's hilarious.) Anywho. That was brilliant and saved me a bit of boredom. Thank you! =)