Friday, October 8, 2010

I don't want to alarm you but I'm REALLY good at word sleuths.

...and tetris. In case you didn't know.

In fact I'm probably a word sleuth ninja. Although I bet if there's a word search/sleuth championship those professionals would own me in the w
ord sleuthing game. I
Googled it... there aren't any world word search champions as far as I could find... in my exhaustive search of the first two links on the first page of links.

Gap in the world championship market? Anyone keen to hold a word sleuth championships? No? Fine then, stick to your conventional sports like football, hockey and rock, paper, scissors.

Like this cartoon man we are also study gyroscopes. Unfortunately our gyroscope doesn't fly or talk. Bit disappointing really.

1 comment:

Emma said...

i dislike gyroscopes a lot they are very confusing.