Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I miss you so much it hurts sometimes.

It's nearly the end of the year... I almost wrote world there for some reason. I just thought of an incredible tangent I could go on about linking the end of the world with the end of the year but I've decided to forgo the telling of that story as it probably would need a tree diagram, a link to a wikipedia article and a piece of very long string to explain. So instead I will just start a new paragraph.

It's nearly the end of the year and we are a few days until the starting of a new decade. The last time our calendar did this we were moving into a new millennium and so the whole decade thing was sort of forgot in favour of a bigger number with a more satisfactory number of zeroes. I was almost nine and had yet to discover the brilliance of Harry Potter because my narrow minded brain was filled of horses and not liking things Catherine liked and thinking Harry Potter was all hype (wtf eight-year old me?). Our teachers kept telling us that we were really lucky to live through a change in millennium, into the third millennium, our children, their children and even their children's children would not get the privilege of living through a historic event like this. I think at this point my classmates and I troubled ourselves with working out how many generations it would be until our relations experienced the fourth millennium. I recall thinking it seemed a bit stupid since there wasn't anything particularly remarkable about the next year than any other years previously except it happened to the the 2000th year in which someone decided to start a calendar because of a big event happening previously in time. And it caught on. In a big way.
At least we didn't have to be bothered with writing so many nines anymore.

Of course our teachers neglected to mention that 2001 was the Church's jubilee, something to do with it being 2000 years since Jesus was born which confused the heck out of everyone and the school painted a door no one had ever used in years purple, gold and silver and everyone paraded through the door waving banners with doves and crosses and such like on them. And there were more nuns present than usual and the amount of masses and liturgies we had increased. And the teachers once again told us;

"Aren't you lucky to live through this historic event, your children wont see a jubilee like this, nor your children's children..."

So, we as good Catholics, had two years of unique millenniums. And so the novelty kind of wore off. I'm not joking, it really did.

Of course moving back to the the secular millennium (a name which I just gave it but it's really kind of a lie), there was the y2k bug which I've pretty much forgotten about and wasn't concerned about at all. I think everyone's forgotten about it except my phone which if you press the wxyz, abc and then the jkl button the first entry is y2k. Huzzah! I bet you'll keep that information logged in your brain for a rainy day.

This is quite a long blog. Here's a quote from charlieissocoollike 's twitter:

"Glad you all like my new video :) I'm told that self-deprecation is one of my strong points. I still don't think I'm that great at it"


Wake up there's blood in your sweat when you wake up, cower blood sucking liar, who you gonna call when you wake up?
( Ghostbusters!)

Thursday, November 26, 2009

I put pictures in my blog posts so the Facebook thumbnail looks cool.

So... it seems we have reached this point once again dear friend(s). It seems I am blogging again. The first time in almost two months *gasp*. I have to say though I quite liked my last blog. It was about Stuart. Incase you didn't catch that when you read it.

Time has passed since my last blog. Obviously. Hmm I'm struggling a bit here aren't I? It's summer holidays now but there has been quite a bit of rain and not enough hot days.

Things I Have Learnt in the Past Few Weeks:

1. Don't let John Travolta go to the bathroom. Bad things happen when he leaves the room.
2. Dreams are more entertaining then real life. Until you get chased by people with machine guns.
3. Eric
4. They used mirrors in Star Trek.
5. Cider is quite nice.
6. Everybody's Got Something to Hide Except Me and My Monkey.
7. Given the right equipment it is actually quite easy to demolish a house.
8. E(XY)
9. It's amazing how entertaining a turtle eating a tomato is.
10. Number ten is the end of this list.

Isn't that some impressive knowledge? I know what you're thinking... why did she eat all the lettuce?

Bet you didn't expect me to say that! Wait... what?

Hey look it's Matthew Bellamy! I was watching the football and one of the players had the last name Bellamy. It made me happy inside.

P.S: Obscure references for the win.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

This Blog is About Stu

Stu is my friend.

He sits next to me in Math1020. Sometimes. When he is there. If he still does the unit. When he's not sitting next to Jack. Or Emma. Or someone else.

He has curly hair.

He likes The Decemberists.

He has awesome sunglasses.

He is awesome (except when he makes fun of Muse which is quite a lot so really he's just kind of average =P).

He asked me to write a blog about him, I don't know if he'll remember.


I promise to write a longer more bloggish blog soon. =)

Monday, August 24, 2009

The Pressure to Come Up with a Witty and/or Clever and/or Profound Blog Post Title is enormous

Possibly in the order of magnitude of 10 to the power 8. No idea if that's an actual high pressure but whatever... it's slightly amusing all the same. In my mind.

So... BLOG POSTING TIME! I thought to myself yesterday, well Monday seems like a good time to write a blog, so let's wait til the morrow till I post a blog. And here we are, it's Monday and I almost forget to post a blog.

Before I talk about something... else, I would like to address my last blog and how shite it was. It's a disgrace to the blogging community and should be taken out the back and shot. I almost went back and deleted a few minutes after I posted it, but I'd already linked to it on facebook and it was so crap it wasn't worth the effort going back and carrying out the process of deleting it. In fact my friend who obviously occasionally glances at this blog even commented on it's shiteness, which I must say despite the negative nature of his comment it's quite nice to have someone read your blog. If only he had a blog I could read to repay this favour...

OH WAIT he does! (like the segue? it's was pretty epic) Alex, for that be his name, has started up a blog himself that hopefully will at least last another blog post. I Lied About the Monkeys is it's name. Sound familiar? The name, I believe, comes from THIS blog post by me. I am quite flattered actually, I'm glad he thought that particularly amusing, because I did too. What a coincidence, I link a completely different Alex in that very same blog post. HE never posts anymore.

I wonder if there ever will be time where the boys name Alex becomes a rare name simply because everyone will have stopped naming their child Alex due to the abundance of Alexs already in existence. Here's another question, how would you pronounce Alex backwards? As in Xela. Zeela I suppose? But Zeela isn't pronounced Alex backwards though which is slightly dissappointing.

Oh time for the HAARP screencap. I like this one, their guitars are pretty.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I don't even have a HAARP screen capture in this one. =(

So I was going to post a blog yesterday. But obviously I didn't. I just sort of lost enthusiasm for it. Unfortunately my blogs are usually a collection of words plucked from the obscurity of my brain. I don't think that make much sense actually but... I suppose... in a round about way... it sort of somes up what my blogs represent.

i JUST WHOOPS CAPS LOCK. Um, what was saying. Why am I listening to the killers? Change time. My iPod earphones broke the other day. Then the ones I bought for $2 broke about two days after I bought them. So now I'm listening to music from my iTunes using my USB headset that I got for Skyping and recording our lovely dead podcast that used to be popular. For a while.
I am rather hungry at the moment. Dinner is being made as I speak. I mean type.

My name is weird. I sometimes.... actually I think I'll terminate typing my thought process here. My last blog started with a random reference to Red Dwarf which I then EXPLAINED in a way that would only confuse any of my readers more so yeah... I'm going to stop...


Friday, July 24, 2009

Mind that bus. What bus? splat

The title might seem a bit morbid but it's actually a quote from Red Dwarf refering to when Kryten was given 24 hours to shut himself down because he was out of date. The quote was said by none other then Arnold J Rimmer. A rather pompous git who acts way above his station, where the lab mice are the only things aboard the ship that is lower ranking then he.


Oh look there goes a week of uni.... whoosh.

How do you make Lady Gaga cry?
You Poke 'er Face
*ba boom chi*

Uni is okay so far. Hey I'm listening to Bach again. I used to never like organ music, I thought it was annoying and then one day I began to listen to it properly and it's actually really EPIC. Especially Bach. Plus we normally had an organist playing at school masses and the like, which made them ALMOST worthwhile going if it was still accompanying the touring choir. And awhile a go I realised the organist was ACTUALLY PLAYING Bach during communion. He'd always play the same thing and it turns out it's part of Bach's Toccata, Adagio and Fugue in C. Because I'm sure people would be impressed by this information if I'd happened to mention one day at school.

Obscure facts FTW!

These guys' expressions crack me up:

Share photos on twitter with Twitpic

Ahh I remember a time when I knew html. HYPER TEXT MARK-UP LANGUAGE! Or it is MARKET? I dunno.

Good day.

Monday, July 6, 2009

A blog in which I fail to shed any light on the important issues of the world. But there are monkeys.

I read this article today and it made me excited:


I also am reading The Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan as recommended by my friend Alex (linkage!). It is quite good so far.

I am listening to Mozart's Requiem at the moment. I read somewhere that Matt Bellamy didn't like Mozart. That made me sad. But I ate some chocolate and felt better.

I like when you listen to classical music and you're on MSN and your MSN is set to show what you are listening to and it comes up with this massively long title like: Mozart: Requiem In D Minor, K 626 - 3. Seqentia, 3. Rex Tremendae Majestatis 2:20 Magdalena Hajóssyová, Jozef Kundlák, Etc.; Zdenek Kosler. It just makes me go HA My "What I'm Listening to Thing" OWNS your "Poker Face -Lady Gaga"!! Take that you popular-music-listening-while-going-on-msn-people!!


Let's just go somewhere and have a dance party.

Like the beach. I walked there. It took six hours. In the last hour we were like "it's over the next hill... or the next hill or the next hill...AHHH" But it was fun. Coz we're weird like that.

I lied about the monkeys.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Avoiding Real Life As Usual

My exams finished last Monday so I have been free for approximately a week! A lot of people have had parties and such throughout this week which I have been attending and that's kept me pretty busy. Now I could talk about the parties and the people there and what I did but on this blog I seem to have a tradition of not talking about my actual life on this blog despite personal blogs tending to be for that purpose.

So instead I am going to talk about monkeys.

No actually I'm not, mainly because I don't know anything about monkeys. So there goes that plan...

As for the holidays, I have some random ideas on things that I would like to do but I won't share them here because you'd just laugh at me. However in the unlikely event they do happen you WILL hear about. I promise. And then it will be epic. EPIC.

Like dressing gown parties. That is such a brilliant idea.

My mum just told me I should do something worthwhile... blogging is so worthwhile... and I'm listening to Bach. =D

Monday, June 15, 2009


It's Lindsay's birthday today (that is the 14th of June and by today I mean if you live in Canada, it's already the 15th here). I texted her at about 10am(?) her time (10pm my time) and being my little nerdy/fangirly/something or other self I was really excited because she just recently got a mobile/cell phone so we can communitcate through text now as well as Facebook, Twitter, Plurk, email, msn, the MOFFIA forums... except the difference is that texting is completely internet unrelated so it's even more fun! Hahaha, I love having "internet" friends.

I think by wishing Lindsay a happy birthday on this blog, I have now completed my task of wishing her happy birthday on pretty much all mediums invented and made available to the common man (except in person IT WILL HAPPEN ONE DAY!).

Oh wait... no... what about morse code? and smoke signals? Hmm this might take longer than I thought...


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Well that took longer than it should have...

So one day I said to the horse, why the long face?

And then it attempted to eat my shirt.

A true story. Well, the last line is. This blog is already weird. Seriously Gerarda, why can you not write something sensible and avoid putting something lame/strange/weird/banana down every five seconds?

What do you mean? I like chicken!!

I was going to study today but then I had do some other stuff and then I ate food and it got too late to study so I am blogging instead. And I'm sort of failing at that. I tried to knit today and I failed. I could list another few things I failed at today but that would be too depressing.

So here's a picture of Dom Howard instead. Insert you're own caption. I do have one but it's not that funny so I'm sure yours will give you more amusement than mine.

equal sign closed bracket

Saturday, May 23, 2009


Yesterday Muse announced that their fifth studio album would be called The Resistance. I'm excited. At first I thought it sounded too simple and ordinary to be a Muse album title but then I realised this was a stupid thing to think because after all their third album was Absolution which is one word less and that turned out pretty good. It's interesting it's called The Resistance because we've also heard that a track title will be called United States of Eurasia, which is possibly a reference to George Orwell's 1984 in which the United States of Eurasia were the non-communists. Well they were the ones fighting against the main characters' nation which was the opressive ones and had the Big Brother type thing going on. I've only read half the book so my knowledge of the canon is sketchy at best, but that's what I remember... but my point is that this makes sense with the title in a slightly obscure way because the characters attempted to fight against the opressive nation in the book hence "the resistance". So maybe the theme of the album will be loosely based on the themes of 1984... which to me, sounds a bit odd, I mean why would Muse write songs about a book? And I mean, we all know the only book you can write music about is Harry Potter right? =P

Although from memory I do recall Origin of Symmetry, (the title that is not the whole album) was inspired from some book written by some conspiracy theorist. Or something like that. So in summary, I have no idea what this means for how the album is going to turn out and it was just my Lit/Harry Potter nerdiness that made me analyse the heck out of the minimal information I have collected in the reservoir known as my brain.

But I'm sure The Resistance with be awesome. And to celebrate here's a screencap from HAARP that I made myself, with a (maybe) funny caption that I also made myself.

MATT: No, seriously guys, the microphone is stuck to my forehead...

Thursday, May 21, 2009

So Much Clogging!!!

So... I haven't blogged in a long time. I haven't really had time; last week was full of tests and assignments that I think I've scraped through.

Who is the broken man, cluttering up my hall way?

I'm listening to the soundtrack of Jesus Christ Superstar, which we've had in our CD collection for ages. It's pretty good, I love Pilate's part and the lepper part. And King Herod is funny... haha Oh and "Than John what when John did his baptism thing" is pretty funny as well. =)

I also love this guy's expression: http://twitpic.com/5flx3
=P (But what does it mean? o.o)


If you say so Jerusalem.

Aww poor Pilate, gotta feel sorry for the guy - well at least in the rock opera, I'm not sure what he was like in real life.


Friday's at uni are always really quiet because a lot of people have no classes that day... I however have my last class at 3. And the class before that is at 11 and therefore I have a three hour break. Last week I was fretting about my physics test. This week I'll be probably taking impromptu walks around the campus when I get bored of sitting still in various places. Unless I find someone to talk to and have a riveting conversation about... stuff... coz it's so interesting...

This was a random blog. I like Hayley G Hoover's blog because it's almost like a high school book series thing. It's really good though. It's interesting how she really hates high school and from the way she describes it, the kids there are so mean. I would love to go there just to see the difference between her senior year and my senior year (aka Year 12).


Saturday, May 9, 2009

Gerarda Fails as a Friend

It's Marzieh's birthday and I totally forgot!! Ahh I feel like such a bad friend!! =(

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARZIEH!!!!! *huggles* <3333333333

Sorry I forgot! =(

Let's have a dance party in celebration of your birthday! Or any other sort of party you like. =)



Sunday, April 26, 2009

My Name is Gerarda and I wear hats

Today I have picked the most random title ever, I think, that I have used thus far on this blog. Feel free to contradict me but yes, that is what I feel. The last half is a blatant lie. I do not wear hats. Mainly because I a) cannot find any I like to wear/look good on me and b) I can not be bother searching and buying hats. In a perfect world I would however wear a lot of hats. The last time I wore a hat for a considerable period of time would be when my friend asked me to wear a hat for our plane ride back from Sydney because she hat two hats neither of which she wanted to put into her luggage so like a good friend I wore one and she wore the other.

Also today my friend sent me Megalomania (by Muse) live at Royal Albert Hall and it is quite awesome. =) For people who don't know the main instrument in the song is the organ and Matt Bellamy actually plays the organ in this version, the RAH organ is apparently the second largest in the British isles with 9,999 pipes. That's a lot of pipes. =) Haha Matt Bellamy calls it "the beast". <3

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Something Or Other...

Wow I haven't blogged in an eternity. Hello everyone! I'd just like to let you know though, that despite not blogging I have been reading everyone else's blogs. By everyone else I mean Jacinthe, Lindsay, Catherine and Marzieh. <3

Well this week has been reasonably eventful. I have this climate change group project report thing that is due on Tuesday which is behaving much like a nightmare an a half. Hopefully tomorrow we will sort it out and I can just forget about it and concentrate on the classes I actually like vaguely. Or at least want to do well in.

I think I might be going to the gym with my friend tomorrow but she hasn't texted me back yet to confirm if we are going. I think we are since she asked me earlier in the week but I just want to make sure and we haven't made any times or anything. I don't know if I still want to go - I feel like sleeping right at the moment. Wait she just texted me. It's on... =)

I should go to bed or I'll be really tired tomorrow morning... *sigh*
Sleep ins are overrated, sleepins are overrated sleepins are overated.... it might come true... one day.


Saturday, April 18, 2009

"lyrics used by kind permission even though we wrote them"

So basically this is another blog. Today I think I will try and talk a bit more about what I today and possibly the last few days seeing as today was too interesting. It seems to work for Lindsay. =)

Speaking of Lindsay I would just like to take a moment to tell everyone that Lindsay is awesome. And I would also like to thank her for helping me get a particular song of YouTube because a particular online music store fails. When I say helping I mean she basically did it for me which makes it even more awesome. <3

I said I was going to talk about my day. Hmm... well today I filed uni work so I can be organised. I don't think I've filed anything properly since like year 11. I totally lacked any motivation for anything school work related in year 12. Year 12 was a bitch. There I said it; now (as my therapist says) I can move on. Then I continued writing part of the report on climate change I have to do for my Earth science unit. I learned four things from this
1)Environmental Scientists use too many first-year uni student unfriendly acroynms.
2)I hate group work (although I already knew this)
3)I hope I wasn't supposed to be motivated to do something about climate change by doing this project coz it's not working.
4)OK Computer is an awesome album but has nothing to do with climate change and the possible rise of sea-levels.

If anyone has the album OK Computer by Radiohead I suggest you read the acknowledgements/credits, there's some random and funny stuff in there that might amuse you for a few seconds/minutes.

We've also learnt that I fail at talking about my day. I am going to go eat scones now. Would you like some?

Thursday, April 16, 2009

An Intensely Boring Blog in which we establish Australia's iTunes suck

OK so I haven't written anything in a couple days. Which means I am still failing to do BEDA... I had something to write about the other day but I forgot what it was. Hmmm....

So I've been listening to Fury by Muse a lot today. I haven't got the recorded version of it and today I finally looked it up on YouTube to hear what sounded like. Previously I had only a video of them performing it at their Royal Albert Hall gig last year. I wish the recorded version was on iTunes so I could buy it. I know it's on the American iTunes store but I'm pretty sure you can't buy things from the international stores unless you have an account with that particular country. Although I could always try... Nope it doesn't work. *sigh*

I have a lot of uni work I need to do. This blog is intensely boring. I shall let you go and do more interesting things with your life now.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Epic slightly (im)possible adventure planning.

Today is Monday!

What am I blogging about today?

JOHN GREEN IS COMING TO AUSTRALIA! But not to Perth (duh!), Melbourne. I now only have two options:
1) Convince him to travel the extra four hours to Perth
2) Go to Melbourne myself

Well there is actually three options, but the other option is the most likely to actually happen and this blog isn't meant to focus on realistic events. Fairies.
I've already looked and the day he is apparently appearing in Melbourne is the weekend after the last week of semester finishes. Of course we have exams; but there's an pre-exam study break after the end of semester so my theory/plan is that if I leave Perth in the morning spend a day in Melbourne, go to John Green's event, then fly back in the evening hopefully getting flights at convinient times and hopefully I can manage carry on luggage only flights which are the cheapest then is should work out. My uncle lives in Melbourne so if I need help I can always ask him plus I've been there a few times so if the venue is in the City I should be able to find my way around.

If I could actually manage that trip and everything went according to plan then it would be EPIC!! But I don't even know if I have the money to even afford the cheapest flight to Melbourne, or really even the time because after all I still have to study for exams..... But it's fun to think about....

Also today I think I will recommend a youtube channel --> http://youtube.com/meekakitty She's awesome. Check out Tessa + Caffiene = bad, video. Not sure it's the exact name but you'll find it.
"Is that an outlet??!!!" =D

Sunday, April 12, 2009

It's Easter everyone. Let's watch a YouTube video with swearing in it!

Happy Easter EVERYONE!!! Even if you don't celebrate it; or if it's not quite Easter for you yet.

So today was Easter and we had a family lunch. It was pretty good, food was nice etc. My family is pretty small so it was not a big thing or anything. I've got quite a few chocolates that I will probably take ages to eat. Anyone want to come over and we can have a chocolate eating session?? =P

I've been invited to a party thing on Tuesday; and this is the theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7yfISlGLNU

Now I'm not a fan of hip-hop/rap and I first heard this song on Prosh day and I was like 'They can't be serious!!' and they weren't - thank goodness. It's pretty funny, but I don't know if I'm meant to dress up to go to the party or not...

Anyway I am quite annoyed that our break is only a week long. I'm used to two week breaks dammit! There's not enough time in a week to have Easter, do my many assignments, general study, catch up with my old friends, have fun with my new friends, talk to my online friends (hey this is making it sound like I have a lot of friends =D), watch tv, go to the movies and hopefully catch up on sleep. There just isn't enough time! I need a time turner like Hermione had. poof. But I suppose it's better than no break at all.. but that isn't much comfort. Although we do have a month break in June/July.

I think that is all I have to say today. <3

P.S Moffia chat tomorrow! Excited! =D

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Recounts and Wizard Rock

So I'm a bit confused about how Blogger is dating my posts. I'm sure I wrote my last blog on the 10th (hence the sentence "I missed a blog for the 9th of April") but Blogger tells everyone I posted that blog on the 9th of April. =/ They must be dating them according to some timezone I am CLEARLY not in.... I could probably change this but I don't know how as of yet so I think it'll just stay wrong for the moment.

So today was a non-event really. We went to my aunt's house for our family gathering for easter. At the height of the party there was NINE people. We are SUCH a large family. Then we went home and vacuumed the floors. Then I mopped the floors. Then I went on my computer and typed this. Hehe, I just wrote that last bit with lots of 'then's. Like in Year 1 to Year 5-ish when we had to do a 'Recount' whenever we went on an excursion to anywhere, the next day we would have to write a Recount aka a page (or approximate) about what we did. So literally it would be like "On Tuesday the 5th of April we went to the Museum of Brightly Coloured Spinning Tops. First we saw...... Then we got to...... Then we went.....I learned that...... etc etc"
Everyone hated doing it. By year 2 everyone had already worked out what a fruitless exercise it was. I mean why would our teacher want to read 30 of the EXACT SAME THING?? And not only that but it wasn't as if the our teachers didn't know what had happened - after all THEY WERE THERE! I remember in year 3 we spent a great deal of time discussing these two arguments amongst ourselves about our excursion to the Police Academy. So much time in fact most of us had to finish the goddamn thing for homework. I always tried to avoid the phrase "Then we" or "and then we" or such like because it was terribly uncreative and repetative. But I often failed mainly because Recounts are terrible uncreative and repetative.

So there's a random story for you. I hope you enjoyed it. I tend to be not talking about my day at all in this blog.
Random thing #1: Go watch the Remus Lupins music video for Seven Potters. It is AWESOME! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2UmPK3dGPck
Random thing #2: I just remembered how much I like End of Era by Oliver Boyd and the Remembralls. But I don't have a copy of it so I have to go to his myspace everytime to listen. His albums aren't on iTunes. And neither is Nevermind the Furthermore by TRL. Not on the Australia iTunes anyway. =(

Friday, April 10, 2009

Break and ... did someone say MUSE?

So once again I fail. I missed a blog for the 9th of April. That was mainly because I couldn't think of anything to write and I was quite tired yesterday, so I couldn't be bothered rambling on about the fact I had nothing to write about.

I have a week "study break" from uni starting today and ending in a weeks time on Monday. This break is probably going to be pretty busy seeing as it's Easter this weekend so there's all the going church, seeing family stuff that usually happens at these times of the year to do as well as my multitude of assignments and just general study that will actually enable me to past my units. AND I also want to catch up with my friends I haven't seen in AEONS.

I just bought two Muse songs from iTunes (Easily and Crying Shame) that I didn't realise they had on iTunes (iTunes Australia needs a better range. NOW.), and I was just listening to Crying Shame and it has at least one swear word in it which I'm only pointing out because I'm obsessive and out of the 87 Muse songs that I have that is the only one that has proper swearing in it. And because I'm weird like that I've always wondered why Matt Bellamy tends to write songs without swearing in them. I don't even know if that's a valid point to wonder about but I still do. If I ever get the chance I may ask them about it. They are touring soon, and are "special guests" at some of U2's American shows. Not that I care too much about U2, and personally I think Muse will upstage U2 big time but then again I don't know how good U2 are live. Apparently they are very good. But Matt Bellamy > Bono. To quote a YouTube comment about a video of Muse playing Showbiz in their earlier days when Matt had blonde hair and wore a hat.

"Look children, there's God ... in a hat."

That's probably blasphemy, strictly speaking but it's still funny. =) Also it's not a direct quote. In fact I'm pretty sure the person who wrote the original comment had some grammatical errors but the general jist is still the same.
Most Muse fans would refer to Matt as a god. I don't know if I'd particularly label ANYONE as a divine being because really they may be exceptionally talented and all but they're still human. However Bellamy is AWESOME times a million. Wow this blog wasn't meant to be at all about Muse but then again I didn't know what I was going to write when I started so maybe it was...
I was also going to gripe about how I couldn't go see them when they toured in North America and Europe. But I got distracted writing about the hat comment. So here's me griping...

gripe gripe gripe WHY DO I LIVE ON THE WRONG CONTINENT(S) gripe

Thank you.


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Yay, We found Marzieh!!

So today I am actually going to post two blogs in a row! *happy dance* Another *happy dance* moment is that today Marzieh twittered for the first time in like, ever, saying she's back! Yay!!
She's been MIA for what seems like ages; I've no idea the real time but it's been too long. =)

OK, so I fail at writing interesting blogs at the moment. I hope they'll get better when I'm on break which starts on Friday. Let's think what I can write about. OH I know, my earrings....

In November I got my ears pierced and a few months ago the time passed for me to take out the training studs out and replace them with nicer, prettier looking earrings, so I went out and bought a pair of gold and red strawberry earrings. When I bought them I thought, oh yeah strawberries, EVERYONE has these kind of earrings, they'll be inconspicuous, but nice looking and ones I can wear everyday comfortably. Inconspicous? Ordinary? Apparently not! For some reason there have been SO MANY PEOPLE who have commented on my earrings. And it's not as if these people know that I've just had them done and they are merely commenting politely on something new; (you know how girls always seem to compliment their girl friends and guys too about their new haircut/colour even if actually in truth it is HIDEOUS! Or maybe I'm just particular about that sort of thing). I think I should have taken a hint from the saleperson who practically gushed every ten seconds on how cute they were when I was buying them. But a lot of people have been going 'oh look strawberries!!' as if it's something new and exciting. I am quite perplexed about it; my impression that everyone had a pair of cute strawberry earrings in their jewelry box was clearly not based on any logical proof. But on the other hand it could actually be part of this massive conspiracy theory to make me think they look cute and some how that leads to me accidently ripping a hole in the time-space continuum and destroying the universe forever.

So yes, strawberry earrings - an unlikely conversation starter. If you like short conversations. And don't get me started on elephant shaped paperclips.....


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Gobble Gobble Gobble.

OK so I basically fail at Blog Every Day April. Mainly because I haven't blogged every day in April and it's only the 7th day of the month.

Today I had my mid-semester exam for my earth science unit. I think I made half of the short answer part up, but hopefully I didn't do to dismally. Tomorrow I have a calculus test that I'm a bit worried about but that'll be over and done with by 9am so then I'll have the rest of the day free of the plague of worry assessments usually bring on.

So this morning I was reading twitter and came across a tweet by Tom Felton (aka Draco Malfoy in the HP movies):

"TomFeltonLong trips + Prodigy = Getting to point B in record time. (via @Spellvira)my thoughts exactly!omen,breathe and snack my witch up,tunes!x from Tweetie "

Haha, Snack my Witch Up. If you don't know the actual name of the song he is referring to just search Prodigy and you'll probably find it. And you probably can guess anyway....

Today at uni there was a petting zoo on Oak Lawn (aka a grassed area with trees on it), and there was the CUTEST little white kitten. It was so small and so gorgeous. I want another cat. There was also some small sheep, goats (including one that was massive), an alpaca, ferrets, various rabbits, various chickens, pigeons, doves and a few dogs. Oh and there was a turkey. Now that was a sight to behold.

"Come on my army of midget friends" I've decided quoting people is a good way of making my blogs interesting (or is it?? let me know) and this particular one was said my a friend of mine as we were walking out of the Physics lecture theatre and is the most amusing thing I can remember from today. What he was refering was to my other friend and I who are both approximately 5'4" whereas he's a nice 6'6" (I think - something pretty tall, his head almost touches the top of the doorway out of the lecture theatre).

I need to study for my calculus test now Principle of Mathematic Induction HERE I COME!!!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

So I'm already behind in BEDA. Well, I guess I'll have to keep soldiering forward...

At the moment I am having a break from studying and doing various assignments for my various units. These assignments I assure you are the least fun things you could imagine doing in the category of homework/study. I have two assignments due tomorrow, they are online assignments so they aren't too much of a big deal but it's better to know how to do them than not. And I do not. Well, generally they take waaay to much time to do and don't seem to help that much in my general understanding of the unit work. And the time I'm taking to do these assignments is chewing up the time I have to study for my mid-semester Earth science exam and my Calc test on Tuesday and Wednesday respectively. *sigh*

LATER: So I actually wrote the above paragraph on Sunday morning. It is now Monday afternoon. I just finished an annoying online assignment for my engineering unit. I have to finish an annoying online Physics assignment before 5pm which I will most probably not finish before then. It'll take me too long and it's only worth approximately .7% of my final mark. I have to study for a "mid-semester exam" that I have tomorrow for my Earth science unit. It's not too bad and it can be quite interesting. The only problem is I'm not entirely sure what's meant to be in the exam so I can only guess and hope I'm studying the right things.

I can't wait to get this mid-semester exam and calc test (which I have no Wednesday) out of the way, because then we get a week off which is officially called "study break". Although I will be doing some study during this break I think that term sounds a bit depressing and is as if we are not allowed to have just normal relaxing breaks and must study, study, study all the time. But perhaps that's just me.

This blog has not been particularly interesting and I apologize for this sincerely and hope I haven't caused anyone any distress if they had expected a thoroughly riveting blog and instead, read this boring piece of text. So yes, truly sorry, dear reader but please read my future posts; I'm sure they'll be more exciting.


Friday, April 3, 2009

Today is Friday

So this is my second but really should be my third BEDA blog. I was going to do a blog about Prosh but I'm not sure what to write about as yet. However I will define it for those who are confused to what Prosh actually is, because I'm sure most of the people who will read this blog aren't from Perth, let alone Australia and have just as much trouble knowing what it is as I have understanding French =P.

My university, the University of Western Australia once a year raises money for several charities by selling so called "satricial" newspapers that contains articles written by various students. The way we sell them is by dressing up in crazy costumes and going out at early hours in the morning and harass all the commuters as they make their way to their places of work. So on Prosh day it's not unusual to see guys wearing nappies or tutus waving newspapers in people faces, or girls and guys painted in head to toe in blue or green or any other such colour shaking tins in the name of a good cause. Prosh is short for procession, so there is a parade through the streets during the day with various student clubs and unions from UWA having there own lavishly decorated floats (or not so lavishly decorated in the case of the Arts Union thus proving they ARE a lazy bunch) as part of it.
This is a picture of the Science Union float: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=1712801&l=bfff0a47ef&id=543788156
The theme for the science union was sci-fi/fantasy.

That's all I can think of to say today. Write more tomorrow! <3

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Blog Every Day April

So I've decided to participate in BEDA (Blog Every Day April), which was invented by esteemed author Maureen Johnson a friend of John Green of the vlogbrothers and also an esteemed author himself. Collectively they are so esteemed that Australia bookshops fail to stock over ten of their books at one time. We just can't handle that awesome.... apparently - and would rather have THREE to FOUR seperate displays of Twilight related merchandise including but not nessacarily exclusive of the entire book series, t-shirts, posters and a biography of Robert Pattinson (!) in ONE Borders store that really isn't that big in relation to the universe which is um, yeah - a pretty big thing.

I'm not sure if I can actually blog everyday because of having to go to uni and studying etc but I will try. I missed blogging yesterday, but will make up for that with a blog post about Prosh (with pictures!).

Because everyone likes pictures.... =D

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Oh will you look at that... it's been over a month!

Indeed it has. It's been a month and two days since I last posted a blog. One reason is that for two weeks I was in Melbourne/Hobart and another reason is that I can't think on what to blog about.

"We're at the end of the Universe. Right at the edge of knowledge itself. And you're busy blogging!"
~the Doctor from Dr Who series 3 episode 11 "Utopia"

Unfortunately that sentence is completely contradictory to what I've been doing; unlike Captain Jack and Martha I don't have anything interesting to blog about and also, unlike Captain Jack and Martha I'm not at the end of the Universe and/or at the edge of knowledge itself (or at least not to my knowledge). What I have been doing, though, is watching a lot of Doctor Who series one and series three on DVD plus they are repeating series two on the TV at the moment. So I suppose, once again, unlike Captain Jack and Martha I'm watching a lot of Dr Who TV. Which of course they couldn't because it would be some sort of weird paradox thing if they were watching an episode of themselves (being fictional beings) on TV in real life because they are actually fictional characters. And in order to watch themselves on TV it would mean they'd cease to be fictional characters and become real and therefore can no longer be on TV as fictional characters....

That makes sense.....

What? Oh right, blogging time; I just ranted about Doctor Who way longer than I intended.

So, I went to the beach yesterday and got sunburn on my face, arms and legs. I put sunscreen on and I also reapplied twice! It's not fair. Well really the only thing that's fair is me. Pardon the pun; if your groaning at how bad that joke was don't worry, so am I. *rolls eyes* If you've never come across the phrase "fair skinned" before you might be confused but perhaps that's just as well. I'm white and I don't tan. Which is fine in cloudy Britain but not in Australia; especially Perth in summer. It means I have to cover myself in sunscreen or I'll burn. I don't mind too much, I like being pale but that just means when I get burned it's really annoying because it makes my skin red and blotchy. And it's bad for you. I'd rather not get skin cancer thank you very much. Or age prematurely or both. Although sometimes those two things are mutually exclusive.

I can't think of anything else to say. Hmmm, I've always thought it would be awesome if my blogs had some underlying theme in them which would be strengthened by situations from real life - unfortunately that's not the case, in this blog at least. Bye bye! <3


Sunday, January 4, 2009

I uploaded a video to YouTube!! Oh... and it's 2009

Yesterday I made a little stop motion film using play-doh. Its my first finished video ever that I've done by myself and I uploaded it to YouTube to my Youtube channel ---> http://youtube.com/user/fallingjuiceboxes
I can pick about ten things wrong with it, but I still like it. And now I want to make more videos. =) That it's down there... Please feel free and go and comment and rate.