Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Hey Look it's a cute cat!

A picture of the Little Cat for Marzieh before she goes to dial up internet land.... <3

Thursday, March 4, 2010

I can make penguins out of post-it notes.


I think it's high time we do the chicken dance... I mean, write a blog.

University has commenced, and between devising ingenius ways to get rice across a crevice using only toothpaste, a comb and some old Neil Diamond CDs I am finding time to write a blog.

Hey it's someone playing the guitar that's not Matthew Bellamy! And I took the picture! It just keeps getting better...

I was going to post a picture of my little kitty here, BUT blogspot refuses to upload it for me. Obviously Brian doesn't want to share the lime light of being in picture form on my blog. She is quite cute.

So therefore this blog has come to an abrupt end.