Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Well that took longer than it should have...

So one day I said to the horse, why the long face?

And then it attempted to eat my shirt.

A true story. Well, the last line is. This blog is already weird. Seriously Gerarda, why can you not write something sensible and avoid putting something lame/strange/weird/banana down every five seconds?

What do you mean? I like chicken!!

I was going to study today but then I had do some other stuff and then I ate food and it got too late to study so I am blogging instead. And I'm sort of failing at that. I tried to knit today and I failed. I could list another few things I failed at today but that would be too depressing.

So here's a picture of Dom Howard instead. Insert you're own caption. I do have one but it's not that funny so I'm sure yours will give you more amusement than mine.

equal sign closed bracket

Saturday, May 23, 2009


Yesterday Muse announced that their fifth studio album would be called The Resistance. I'm excited. At first I thought it sounded too simple and ordinary to be a Muse album title but then I realised this was a stupid thing to think because after all their third album was Absolution which is one word less and that turned out pretty good. It's interesting it's called The Resistance because we've also heard that a track title will be called United States of Eurasia, which is possibly a reference to George Orwell's 1984 in which the United States of Eurasia were the non-communists. Well they were the ones fighting against the main characters' nation which was the opressive ones and had the Big Brother type thing going on. I've only read half the book so my knowledge of the canon is sketchy at best, but that's what I remember... but my point is that this makes sense with the title in a slightly obscure way because the characters attempted to fight against the opressive nation in the book hence "the resistance". So maybe the theme of the album will be loosely based on the themes of 1984... which to me, sounds a bit odd, I mean why would Muse write songs about a book? And I mean, we all know the only book you can write music about is Harry Potter right? =P

Although from memory I do recall Origin of Symmetry, (the title that is not the whole album) was inspired from some book written by some conspiracy theorist. Or something like that. So in summary, I have no idea what this means for how the album is going to turn out and it was just my Lit/Harry Potter nerdiness that made me analyse the heck out of the minimal information I have collected in the reservoir known as my brain.

But I'm sure The Resistance with be awesome. And to celebrate here's a screencap from HAARP that I made myself, with a (maybe) funny caption that I also made myself.

MATT: No, seriously guys, the microphone is stuck to my forehead...

Thursday, May 21, 2009

So Much Clogging!!!

So... I haven't blogged in a long time. I haven't really had time; last week was full of tests and assignments that I think I've scraped through.

Who is the broken man, cluttering up my hall way?

I'm listening to the soundtrack of Jesus Christ Superstar, which we've had in our CD collection for ages. It's pretty good, I love Pilate's part and the lepper part. And King Herod is funny... haha Oh and "Than John what when John did his baptism thing" is pretty funny as well. =)

I also love this guy's expression: http://twitpic.com/5flx3
=P (But what does it mean? o.o)


If you say so Jerusalem.

Aww poor Pilate, gotta feel sorry for the guy - well at least in the rock opera, I'm not sure what he was like in real life.


Friday's at uni are always really quiet because a lot of people have no classes that day... I however have my last class at 3. And the class before that is at 11 and therefore I have a three hour break. Last week I was fretting about my physics test. This week I'll be probably taking impromptu walks around the campus when I get bored of sitting still in various places. Unless I find someone to talk to and have a riveting conversation about... stuff... coz it's so interesting...

This was a random blog. I like Hayley G Hoover's blog because it's almost like a high school book series thing. It's really good though. It's interesting how she really hates high school and from the way she describes it, the kids there are so mean. I would love to go there just to see the difference between her senior year and my senior year (aka Year 12).


Saturday, May 9, 2009

Gerarda Fails as a Friend

It's Marzieh's birthday and I totally forgot!! Ahh I feel like such a bad friend!! =(

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARZIEH!!!!! *huggles* <3333333333

Sorry I forgot! =(

Let's have a dance party in celebration of your birthday! Or any other sort of party you like. =)

