Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Well that took longer than it should have...

So one day I said to the horse, why the long face?

And then it attempted to eat my shirt.

A true story. Well, the last line is. This blog is already weird. Seriously Gerarda, why can you not write something sensible and avoid putting something lame/strange/weird/banana down every five seconds?

What do you mean? I like chicken!!

I was going to study today but then I had do some other stuff and then I ate food and it got too late to study so I am blogging instead. And I'm sort of failing at that. I tried to knit today and I failed. I could list another few things I failed at today but that would be too depressing.

So here's a picture of Dom Howard instead. Insert you're own caption. I do have one but it's not that funny so I'm sure yours will give you more amusement than mine.

equal sign closed bracket

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