Monday, June 15, 2009


It's Lindsay's birthday today (that is the 14th of June and by today I mean if you live in Canada, it's already the 15th here). I texted her at about 10am(?) her time (10pm my time) and being my little nerdy/fangirly/something or other self I was really excited because she just recently got a mobile/cell phone so we can communitcate through text now as well as Facebook, Twitter, Plurk, email, msn, the MOFFIA forums... except the difference is that texting is completely internet unrelated so it's even more fun! Hahaha, I love having "internet" friends.

I think by wishing Lindsay a happy birthday on this blog, I have now completed my task of wishing her happy birthday on pretty much all mediums invented and made available to the common man (except in person IT WILL HAPPEN ONE DAY!).

Oh wait... no... what about morse code? and smoke signals? Hmm this might take longer than I thought...



Anonymous said...

THANKS, Gerarda! :) <33 Haha, I think you have wished me a happy birthday on all possible mediums. XD Plurk, blog, FB, phone... No MSN, though, because you were sleeping and I was studying. =( And FB sent me an email notification of your post on my wall, so you even covered email. Way to be efficient! =) Lol. Thanks for the multitudinous wishes! <3 And you're right, it WILL happen one day in person... Infinitus will solve that. <3 I don't care if neither of us have a birthday during Infinitus, we will wish each other happy birthdays. =)

Haha. Smoke signals would be SO AWESOME. Though getting a smoke signal from Australia to Canada would be a challenge... Ooh, what about those flying blimp messages? :O That would be incredible. I'll get you one of those for your bithday. =)

WOO! Lucky you! I have my first exam tomorrow... You have to keep reminding me to send out chat emails, too, 'cause I'm going to organize one for this coming weekend, but I'm going to forget and I'm too tired to do it now. So yeah, remind me. Chats ftw.


Gerarda said...

Hahaha A blimp!!! Oh I can't wait until my birthday then =P

CHATS! Oh how I missed thee. =) I will remind you. <3