Monday, May 23, 2011

She's A Rage Quitter

Blob blog blog. I'm grumpy because I can't find my Deathly Hallows earrings. =(
I am also grumpy because I can't play anything without getting disconnected.
I have tea though. I should probably start studying for exams. But my room is too messy. TOO MESSY!
Lol the first word of this blog is blob. That was supposed to be blog. Yeah.
LoL is also a game I play. The aim is to kill the other team's Nexus. What even is a Nexus? Apart from a thing you destroy in LoL and a dungeon in WoW. Google to the rescue!
It is also:
-A bi-monthly magazine (BI-MONTHLY!)
-something to do with wrestling
-a phone
-a popular name for bands and albums of bands
-several different software programs

Apparently the word Nexus is Latin in origin meaning:
–noun, plural nex·us·es, nex·us.
a means of connection; tie; link.
a connected series or group.
the core or center, as of a matter or situation.

I guess 1/3. works for LoL, sort of. My goodness it's a bit cold. Doctor Who Series 6 is playing on tv at the moment, it is awesome. The last episode was really good (by the last episode I mean the Doctor's Wife).
"No, bunk beds are cool! A bed! With a ladder! You can't beat that,"
The Doctor has a point.

I'm so bored, I don't really want to write about designing a pressure vessel.