Thursday, February 5, 2009

Oh will you look at that... it's been over a month!

Indeed it has. It's been a month and two days since I last posted a blog. One reason is that for two weeks I was in Melbourne/Hobart and another reason is that I can't think on what to blog about.

"We're at the end of the Universe. Right at the edge of knowledge itself. And you're busy blogging!"
~the Doctor from Dr Who series 3 episode 11 "Utopia"

Unfortunately that sentence is completely contradictory to what I've been doing; unlike Captain Jack and Martha I don't have anything interesting to blog about and also, unlike Captain Jack and Martha I'm not at the end of the Universe and/or at the edge of knowledge itself (or at least not to my knowledge). What I have been doing, though, is watching a lot of Doctor Who series one and series three on DVD plus they are repeating series two on the TV at the moment. So I suppose, once again, unlike Captain Jack and Martha I'm watching a lot of Dr Who TV. Which of course they couldn't because it would be some sort of weird paradox thing if they were watching an episode of themselves (being fictional beings) on TV in real life because they are actually fictional characters. And in order to watch themselves on TV it would mean they'd cease to be fictional characters and become real and therefore can no longer be on TV as fictional characters....

That makes sense.....

What? Oh right, blogging time; I just ranted about Doctor Who way longer than I intended.

So, I went to the beach yesterday and got sunburn on my face, arms and legs. I put sunscreen on and I also reapplied twice! It's not fair. Well really the only thing that's fair is me. Pardon the pun; if your groaning at how bad that joke was don't worry, so am I. *rolls eyes* If you've never come across the phrase "fair skinned" before you might be confused but perhaps that's just as well. I'm white and I don't tan. Which is fine in cloudy Britain but not in Australia; especially Perth in summer. It means I have to cover myself in sunscreen or I'll burn. I don't mind too much, I like being pale but that just means when I get burned it's really annoying because it makes my skin red and blotchy. And it's bad for you. I'd rather not get skin cancer thank you very much. Or age prematurely or both. Although sometimes those two things are mutually exclusive.

I can't think of anything else to say. Hmmm, I've always thought it would be awesome if my blogs had some underlying theme in them which would be strengthened by situations from real life - unfortunately that's not the case, in this blog at least. Bye bye! <3


1 comment:

Danielle said...

well. that was quite the accomplishment. getting dr who skin cancer and questioning reality is one blog, now thats not something everyone could do...