Thursday, April 2, 2009

Blog Every Day April

So I've decided to participate in BEDA (Blog Every Day April), which was invented by esteemed author Maureen Johnson a friend of John Green of the vlogbrothers and also an esteemed author himself. Collectively they are so esteemed that Australia bookshops fail to stock over ten of their books at one time. We just can't handle that awesome.... apparently - and would rather have THREE to FOUR seperate displays of Twilight related merchandise including but not nessacarily exclusive of the entire book series, t-shirts, posters and a biography of Robert Pattinson (!) in ONE Borders store that really isn't that big in relation to the universe which is um, yeah - a pretty big thing.

I'm not sure if I can actually blog everyday because of having to go to uni and studying etc but I will try. I missed blogging yesterday, but will make up for that with a blog post about Prosh (with pictures!).

Because everyone likes pictures.... =D

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