Saturday, April 11, 2009

Recounts and Wizard Rock

So I'm a bit confused about how Blogger is dating my posts. I'm sure I wrote my last blog on the 10th (hence the sentence "I missed a blog for the 9th of April") but Blogger tells everyone I posted that blog on the 9th of April. =/ They must be dating them according to some timezone I am CLEARLY not in.... I could probably change this but I don't know how as of yet so I think it'll just stay wrong for the moment.

So today was a non-event really. We went to my aunt's house for our family gathering for easter. At the height of the party there was NINE people. We are SUCH a large family. Then we went home and vacuumed the floors. Then I mopped the floors. Then I went on my computer and typed this. Hehe, I just wrote that last bit with lots of 'then's. Like in Year 1 to Year 5-ish when we had to do a 'Recount' whenever we went on an excursion to anywhere, the next day we would have to write a Recount aka a page (or approximate) about what we did. So literally it would be like "On Tuesday the 5th of April we went to the Museum of Brightly Coloured Spinning Tops. First we saw...... Then we got to...... Then we went.....I learned that...... etc etc"
Everyone hated doing it. By year 2 everyone had already worked out what a fruitless exercise it was. I mean why would our teacher want to read 30 of the EXACT SAME THING?? And not only that but it wasn't as if the our teachers didn't know what had happened - after all THEY WERE THERE! I remember in year 3 we spent a great deal of time discussing these two arguments amongst ourselves about our excursion to the Police Academy. So much time in fact most of us had to finish the goddamn thing for homework. I always tried to avoid the phrase "Then we" or "and then we" or such like because it was terribly uncreative and repetative. But I often failed mainly because Recounts are terrible uncreative and repetative.

So there's a random story for you. I hope you enjoyed it. I tend to be not talking about my day at all in this blog.
Random thing #1: Go watch the Remus Lupins music video for Seven Potters. It is AWESOME!
Random thing #2: I just remembered how much I like End of Era by Oliver Boyd and the Remembralls. But I don't have a copy of it so I have to go to his myspace everytime to listen. His albums aren't on iTunes. And neither is Nevermind the Furthermore by TRL. Not on the Australia iTunes anyway. =(


Anonymous said...

Wow, those Recounts do seem really pointless. *sigh* I'm dearly sorry you had to keep writing them for five years! For the time zone thing, maybe there's something on your profile page? I don't know much about blogger, but on Wordpress if you go to the Profile, there's a settings section and you can change the time zone there, so maybe blogger has one of those, too. =)

About the WRock songs, I could *cough* send them to you *cough* if you wanted... Let me know. =)

Marzieh said...

The Museum of Brightly Coloured Spinning Tops? *gigglefits* But yeah, recounts are pretty boring and pointless. We had to do them as well. *sigh*
Oh, and the time zone thing is in "settings" and then "formatting".=)